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MPL Laboratories
12 Wilson Drive
Sparta, NJ 07871

Phone: 973-300-9715
A Full Service Microbiology Laboratory


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Microbial Contaminant Testing

Category Press Release
Publish Date 4/10/2019
Author Paul Cochrane
Title Drinking Water Additive Recalled Due to Potential Microbial Contamination Issues
Introduction MPL Laboratories provides cGMP and ISO 17025 compliant testing services for sterility and microbial contamination in foods and beverages, over-the-counter medicines, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other consumer products.
Sparta, NJ, April 10th, 2019

In March, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) posted information about the voluntary recall of a drinking water additive sold by a Texas company. The product was available in the United States and Canada through online sales in one gallon containers as an additive to create catalytic activated energy water.

According to the company’s notice, the product was recalled after FDA analysis found it to be contaminated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The Gram-negative, aerobic, rod shaped bacteria is a common microorganism that can cause disease in animals, humans and also in plants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that serious Pseudomonas infections usually occur in people in the hospital and/or with weakened immune systems.  Infections of the blood, pneumonia and infections following surgery can lead to severe illness and death in these people. However, healthy people can also develop mild illnesses with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, especially after exposure to water.

A recent check of the company’s website states that due to circumstances beyond its control, the company is no longer in business. Helping companies avoid these types of recalls that can have a devastating impact on a business and potentially cause harm to consumers are the scientists at MPL Laboratories. Their experts provide sterility and microbial testing for a broad spectrum of contaminants, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All tests take place in MPL’s FDA registered and cGMP, ISO 17025 compliant laboratory to ensure the highest quality results.

To learn more about microbial or sterility testing for beverages and foods, OTC medicines, personal care products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, please contact MPL Laboratories at, call (800) 548-1874 or email

About MPL Laboratories
MPL Laboratories (formerly Marypaul Laboratories) was founded in 1985 as a full service microbiology laboratory. It is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by PJLA, FDA and DEA registered, and NJDEP certified. MPL’s staff includes M.S. and B.S. degreed microbiologists and other dedicated scientists. The microbiology testing laboratory serves the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, personal care and food industries. MPL aims to provide its clients with high quality, reliable test data in a timely manner. The laboratory is part of the EMSL Analytical network of over 46 laboratories across the United States and Canada.
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